“Adhkar,” an act that means remembering Allah. It is one of the best ways for a Muslim to reach his Creator (Allah). He receives great rewards for his service to Allah Almighty, both in this life and in the next. After Fajr prayers, before going to bed, and usually at other times, one should repeat the prayers to come close to Allah.
We bring this short article as a special gift for all Muslims because it includes a list of very easy “Adhkar,” which have great rewards. It will be beneficial for us and to your life to establish these Adhkar, Inn Sha Allah.
(البقرة: 255)
Ayatul Kursi is verse 255 of the second chapter of the Holy Quran, Al-Baqarah (The Chapter of the Cow).
According to the Prophet, (PBUH) this is the most significant verse of the Qur’an because of its reflection of Allah’s greatness and the attributes of His perfect power and perfection. It is recommended that you read it every day, in the morning, evening and before you go to bed. A hadith also says that whoever reads it before going to bed has Allah’s protection, and Satan will have no access to him until the morning.
1- Under the Security of Allah:
The recitation of Ayat-al-Kursi in the morning will keep you under the defence of Allah Almighty till night. Also, recitation of this verse will keep your household in addition to wealth safe from Satan.
2- Boost Your Memory
If you have a weak memory, recitation of this Surah is really useful. To increase your memory, do recite this leading verse.
3- Angel Will Secure Him/Her
Before leaving your home, If anyone recites this Surah, seventy thousand (70,000) angels will safeguard him entire day.
4- Recitation after Ablution
If we recite it after ablution, it will provide you the seventy thousand (70,000) significant grates in the day of judgment.
5- Reliance will End
One who recites Ayatul Kursi prior to going into the home, his dependency will end.
6- Prevent from Poverty
If somebody recites this Ayat on going into the home, then hardship won’t get in that house.
7- Angel will Safeguard All Overnight
One who recites this verse prior to sleeping, one angle will protect you all overnight.
8- Indigence and Poverty will Go Away
And if anyone who is indigent, recites this Verse, Within some days his indigence and poverty will disappear.
9- Security of Home from Theft
For the security of the home from theft, hang the inscription of Ayatul Kursi at the high place of house. It will also increase and beatitudes the earnings.
10- Secret of Jannah
If you recite it in every Salah (prayer), then your one foot will be on earth and the second will be in paradise.
سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ الْعَظِيمِ
Glory be to Allah and Praise
Glory be to Allah and Supreme
All sins, no matter how big or small, will be erased if you recite these words every day. Remembrance of Allah can erase one’s sins as well as bring rewards. If you pray until noon, you can gain as many rewards as you wish.
Read About Zakat
Learn About Lillah
These words are for remembering Allah. This is the dhikr we say after each salah. You can even perform these adkars while smiling, crying, or feeling confused. This is one of the most effective forms of dhikr, as Allahu Akbar, Alhamdulillah, and Subhanallah contain numerous rewards in the Hereafter. Insha’Allah, if you utter these words with mindfulness, Allah will be with you.
You will feel a great sense of connection to Allah (God) when you make dhikr a habit in your daily life. It protects your mind from distractions because dhikr continuously directs your attention to Allah, just as meditation does. May Allah grant us the courage to commit to this adkar daily and keep us connected with Him.