09 Nov 2021


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A Muslim believes that nothing in this life belongs to him/her and that everything will perish one day, even our bodies. We also believe that everything belongs to Allah. A Muslim also believes that on the day of judgement everyone will be questioned about how they spent their lives and how they spent their time as well as how they spent their wealth.

Allah mentions in the holy Quran:

“You will never attain closeness to Allah until you spend of what you cherish, and whatever you spend on anything, Allah indeed knows it.” – Quran 3:92

Allah also mentions in the holy Quran:

The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of God is as a grain of seed which grows seven spikes, in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies the reward for whoever He wishes, for Allah is all-Encompassing and knowing. –Quran 2:261

Muslim charity, which is also known as Zakat or Sadaqah in Arabic is the third of the five Pillars of Islam and a fundamental teaching. Giving charity and taking care of the fragile and poor are vital aspects of the Muslim character. Charity is so important that it comes after the declaration of faith (Shahada) and prayer (Salah).

Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him said):

“When a person dies, all their deeds end but three: a ongoing charity, knowledge which has benefit and a child who prays for them.” (Muslim).

From this we understand that after we die and we leave this world, the only things that will be counted and continue to benefit our souls will be our charity that we gave in this world e.g., building a well or water facilities for the use of people and animals, building a Mosque, a School, an orphanage, or a house for a needy family.

For a Muslim, charity is something that will increase in their book of deeds after their demise.

Wealth is a type of Amanah (trust) from Allah. We shouldn’t think that wealth is our right and only achieved through our hard efforts and sacrifices alone. Wealth is a test from Allah and the longer a person holds onto wealth and fails to share it with the needy, the harder it may become to part with that hoarded wealth. Hiding away one’s wealth and depriving the needy of kindness will not only come back to haunt the greedy, but their misfortune will increase, and they will be led down a misguided path. Let us save ourselves from any wrongdoing and donate to a Muslim charity today.

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him said):

“Stay away from doing unfairness to others, on the Judgment Day, it will turn into many darkness, and safeguard yourself against selfishness, for it ruined those who were before you. Prompted them to murder and treating the unlawful as lawful.” (Muslim)

So, remember that the poor and needy are all entitled to a portion of our wealth, and is our right as a Muslims to help them. Even if its £1 or £1,000, in the eyes of Allah it is the sincerity that counts and not the amount.

We ask Allah to grant us sincerity, grant us abundant wealth so we can spend in his path and take away greed out of our hearts. Ameen.

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