21 Jun 2021

Gift of Water In Islam

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Water is a gift of nature whose value cannot be overstated.  There is no better gift of nature than water.  Water is one of Allah Almighty’s greatest blessings. Humans and all other living creatures need it to survive and live.  People believe water is life,  but the importance and need of water are realized only when the man becomes thirsty and restless.

Humans depend on water to meet many of their needs. water makes the deadlands lush and green.

Plants and fruits begin blooming in the gardens. By using it, you can purify yourself and remove impurities. If there is no water, the urban settlements will change into desolate forests, business activities will be affected, birds and animals will suffer, and the never-ending process of building construction will halt. Water is a natural gift that offers blessings and mercy in abundance. In the Holy Qur’an, it is described as mercy.

“وهو الذي يرسل رياح البشارة قبل مطر الرحمة”.

 “And He is the One who sends the winds of good news before the rain of mercy.

Water the best charity & Sadaqah Jariyah

Islamic beliefs regard water as one of the most important elements of life because it is the source of all. In the Qur’an, the word “water” appears 63 times. Water is the best charity according to Islam and a sadaqah Jariya.

Donate Sadaqah Now

ما هي أفضل مؤسسة خيرية؟” فأجاب:  الماء
“Which charity is best?” He replied, “[Providing] water”’. (Abu Dawud)
“بواسطة الماء ، نعطي الحياة لكل شيء. (القرآن ، 21:30).
‘By means of water, we give life to everything. (Qur’an, 21:30)

Human rights include the right to access to clean water, so ensuring this right is a noble Sadaqah. If you dig a well for others to make sure them pure water for Allah’s pleasure then it will be Sadaqah Jariya. No doubt The best way to perform Sadaqah Jariyah is to provide access to water to impoverished communities, as this allows the poor to perform the Wudhu obligatory to Allah (SWT).

Water Plant in Pakistan

Donate Water In Pakistan

Most of the households in Pakistan and Kashmir villages lacked access to clean water, and people drink from dirty water sources at the risk of their health. Our mission at KORT is to ensure supplying pure water to them. A Water Filtration plant donation will provide a reliable source of drinking water for an entire villages. Let’s come and donate for providing water in  Pakistan and Kashmir.

Final Words

There are many words in the Qur’an and hadiths about saving water and keeping it pure. It is imperative that we ask Allah Almighty for the forgiveness of our sins and shortcomings, as well as to preserve the blessings He has bestowed upon us. May Allah grant us the ability to help others. Ameen