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KORT Related Frequently Asked Questions
No, the children in our care are not available for adoption. You can however sponsor towards an orphan at KORT to contribute towards their sustainability costs.
The funds are used to sustain the costs of the orphan children’s food, accommodation, clothing, medical care, and education at a cost of up to £70 per month per child. To make it easier for more people to sponsor an orphan, you can contribute towards these costs by sponsoring towards an orphan at £35 per month.
If you plan to setup online fundraising pages and will be asking the general public for donations for KORT then ‘YES’ please ask us for permission to do so. This also helps us answer any queries from members of the public and we may also be able to help promote your campaign.
We care for all orphans and distribute aid to anyone in need irrespective of their race, religion, or faith. The work carried out by KORT is based on Islamic principles to ensure transparency and accountability in all aspects of the charity.
Donations are handled and disbursed accordingly to ensure Zakat, Sadaqah and other specified funds are spent correctly
All our accounts are submitted to the charities commission on an annual basis. You can view the accounts by visiting the charities commissions website.
Yes, we are a registered charity in England and Wales. Our charity number is 1113836.
The charity’s operational costs are covered by the gift aid scheme, which allows UK taxpayers to increase the value of their donation by 25%. This enables us to maintain our 100% donation policy.
Our primary objective is to provide a brighter future for orphaned children. Unlike other charities that provide monthly financial support for orphan children living with their mothers or other family, KORT supports orphaned children at our purpose-built home for orphans: The KORT Educational & Residential Complex in Akhtarabad, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir-Pakistan.
At KORT, orphaned children are provided with safe and secure accommodations, fresh daily meals, clothing and uniforms, and onsite education.
We have teams of carers, cooks, cleaners, security staff who work various shift patterns to cover 24hrs of each day to ensure care, cleanliness, and security at all times. Teachers and administration staff are also available during the day to ensure a smooth running of the orphanage.
KORT also support the poor, needy and vulnerable people who are affected by natural disasters or afflicted by poverty by providing food packs, sewing machines, wheelchairs and clean drinking water across Azad Kashmir and Pakistan.
Our team always visit potential relief areas to gain a better understanding into what help is needed before providing relief accordingly. Our chairman also oversees all projects regularly to ensure that the projects have been implemented and your donations have been spent as promised.
We operate on a 100% donation policy which means the full amount of your donation will go to the intended beneficiaries. We only use your “Gift Aid” donations and donations specified for admin, to cover our administration costs.
We always aim to operate in a transparent way and ensure to provide our donors with regular feedback of videos and photos. Our yearly accounts and independent auditors’ reports are available on the charity commission website.
Please check out our “News” section on the website or follow us on our social media channels for latest updates. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.
Please visit our YouTube channel for feedback on our latest charitable projects.
No, our policy is to treat the orphaned children in our care just like we treat our own children at home. The orphaned children in our care are provided with new unworn clothing and gifts/toys which also helps them move on from traumatic pasts and promotes good physical and mental development
General Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, one might get rid of their Interest cash in order to cleanse their wealth and give way for barakah in their Rizq (Nourishment) by giving it away to charities. Nevertheless, you ought to also take note that there won’t be any benefit in giving interest money as the cash is thought about impure and anything purchased from it is impure. If you can return the interest cash wherever it originated from then that is best. Otherwise, it might be used to assist in the poor.
When an individual offers it in such a way that the left hand doesn’t even know what the right hand gave, the finest of charities is.
This indicates to give up secrecy instead of freely as it opens a possibility of pride which Allah says in the Quran not to spoil our charity with reminding of favours and triggering damage.
Those who give in secrecy will be rewarded with shade on the day of Judgement, a day on which there shall be no shade except under the throne of Allah.
One ought to likewise provide publicly too as it acts as a way of encouragement, and it saves a believer from being classed as miserly by the people.
At the end of the day, we offer in charity to please Allah to start with, and we hope it might offer some advantage to the recipient.
Comes constant charity which remains for long amounts of time and can sometimes continue to provide advantage, even after we have left this world.
The Prophet PBUH said that one will be rewarded for a tree which produces fruit to benefit individuals, as long as the tree stays standing. He likewise discusses that kind deeds will cut off after death except by couple of things consisting of a continuous charity which remains providing benefit even after our passing.
Regrettably, we can’t address for all charities, however KORT has a 100% contribution policy. This creates comfort for donors of complete benefit and assurance that funds are not going in our own pockets! Most charities may declare to have a 100% contribution policy, however it is down to individuals to ask over the phone or face to face how costs are paid. Usually there is a bit of clause to it; as there are additional costs like admin, travel, and hiring containers and so on which require to be fulfilled without taking from your contribution.
A lot of charities have generous donors who sustain the charities admin/running costs. Others might say just Zakat is 100% and a little admin charge is drawn from general Sadaqah donations only. Some, like ourselves, utilize entirely Gitf Aid funds to spend for our charity running expenses to guarantee a real 100% donation policy.
The needy were disregarded prior to Islam, so legislation can be found in (Offering of Zakat) which brought justice for them. It became identified as a pillar from among the major pillars of Islam. Muslims from both middle and upper classes were encouraged to provide completely.
Islam encourages to offer what we can and to provide frequently. The act of charity allows those who were blessed by Allah to provide to those less lucky but is more so a benefit to ourselves as it cleanses our wealth and elevates our status in the hereafter.
In the time of the Prophet PBUH, there were a group of paupers who complained that the rich were obtaining high lofty ranks due to the ability to give up charity so he taught them a prayer by which they too may obtain a high status. Of course, we should be wary that being abundant is more so a means of a test from Allah to see what we make with it, and it could be a downside if we do not invest from it in the path of Allah.
Islam also states that our giving in charity cleanses our wealth, grants shade on day of judgement and avoids a disaster which was indicated to come to you but only Allah understood of it.
A charitable act is defined as something you provide which pleases the receiver. Hence, why welcoming your Muslim brother with a cheerful face is also thought about as an act of charity. Eliminating a challenge from the path so as not to trigger damage to others is also a form of charity. In the latter example offered, the one who did the act was not known however still receives benefit for it. And naturally, gifting of cash, clothes and physical items likewise falls under the term charity.
Yes, you might provide in Sadaqah and its other types and if so, make an intention in their name before giving it to make sure that the benefit reaches them. Allah has actually promised you a reward too, where no deduction is made from their reward.
If, nevertheless you desire to pay Zakat for someone, they ought to pay themselves unless they haven’t got access to it, for example, if a person requires to take Zakat out from their savings account however they need a waiting duration till they can withdraw the funds, then in this case you must inform them in advance that you are paying on their behalf.
Islam has not put forward a minimum and maximum in our general donations as a person should spend according to the amount of Rahma (Mercy) he wants to get from Allah, except for the annual Zakat.
A person ought to offer only what his efficient in, keeping in mind that he may have member of the family or personal needs too. Some pious people would offer nearly whatever; however, this isn’t for everybody, as making oneself poor can likewise be a trial and make one have doubts about their faith.
Charity can be accomplished through the acts of offering and performing kindness towards others. It can be done locally or abroad. Charity can be given directly to the recipient, or it can be given indirectly regarding benefit them.
Charity can be unique to just the one person like gifting a present or can be communal too like constructing a water pump station. It doesn’t have to be physical products just but can likewise be in the type of friendly gestures and acts. Allah has actually produced ease in the act of charity so that we can all take part in such a great blessing.
If we come to understand of a private within our own area or a household relation of ours in desperate requirement, we must provide preference to them and try offer it to them personally as this builds a higher level of love and respect in between the donor and receiver. If you can’t discover anyone then you should offer to a charity as they will send it to places far and beyond our reach and to places where the need is greatest.
We shouldn’t just simply provide the cash and walk away Whenever we do provide in charity. We must likewise build a relation with the charity in order to comprehend where the cash will go and how they are using it for a variety of reasons. To create transparency with them that they are in fact genuine. So that we can give appropriately to where our heart feels its most required or to jobs that you understand will considerably benefit them.
Also, sign up for newsletters or read their pamphlets to see the fruits of your efforts and know that your charitable contribution is making the difference. Let it work as motivation towards excellent and not let the devil whisper to you as he might deviate you stating you could have invested it on such and such.
Funds which are offered towards the restoration, building and improvements for the mosque are unquestionably a type of Sadaqah Jariyah (Constant Charity) as these structures will be used daily to perform the day-to-day ritual of prayer.
Sadaqah indicates voluntary charity and normally whatever the charity gets unspecified or defined for Sadaqah will be put directly into Sadaqah. Due to the fact that Sadaqah has a vast array of uses and isn’t as limited as other kinds of contributions. Sadaqah contributions gives a charity versatility to proper it anywhere required. This does not decrease in your rewards however rather it makes sure that your money is never left in limbo, rather it goes straight towards assisting one in requirement.
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam, Zakat is a form of compulsory charity that has the capacity to ease the suffering of many people. With the literal meaning of the word being ‘to cleanse,’ Muslims believe that paying Zakat purifies, increases, and blesses the remainder of their wealth.
Zakat is 2.5% on cash or any assets after the living cost is taken out from the amount. For example, A
person has £25,000, his living costs are £13,000. The person is left with £12,000. Now times that by 2.5% which equals to £300. Therefore, his Zakat amount will be £300.
Gold: Anything above 87.48 grams. Zakat is compulsory
Silver: Anything above 612.36 grams. Zakat is compulsory
Zakat works a little different to Sadaqah donations and therefore only some projects can accept it. It requires that you make the recipient, who is eligible for it, the complete owner of it and then leave it to them to sort their needs with it.
However, if you take a million pounds to a poor country where a crisis has just struck, simply giving them the money won’t do any good as there is no builder near by who will take the job. Therefore, instead we apply the rule of acting as a trusted appointee for them, where we appropriate the money solely towards them and their need like rebuilding a house.
A donation made can be of many types. There is General Sadaqah or just Sadaqah for short which is a short-term donation and given with hope of benefiting someone and some reward from Allah. There is Sadaqatul Fitr which is Wajib (Necessary) and done once a year on Eid Al-Adha. we also have Lillah which is a form of Sadaqah that is done purely for the sake of Allah and usually goes towards building mosques rather than another person so that it is for Allah entirely.
Zakat is calculated on a fix date but can be given on any date. Though we should avoid delaying giving of Zakat in case God Forbid we happen to pass away, people often calculate it then put it aside as there are many projects which take place during this month. The reward is also multiplied due to the sanctity of the month.
If needed, you can give Zakat early, but an estimate will be made and then on the actual date, a calculation must be made to compare so that you haven’t under paid the Zakat. One may also give later during the holy days and months to multiply his reward or due to more charity projects available. To avoid confusion, one would normally work it out on the fixed Zakat date and give during that period. It also allows for charity funds to be spread out during the course of the year so the poor and needy have facilities throughout the year.
When a person falls into the eligibility of receiving Zakat, they can receive a house built from Zakat funds. If a disaster were to strike and suddenly you needed the money to build a house but didn’t have enough, or you were travelling with no access to wealth to complete your journey, or in such debt that you can’t afford to pay Zakat, then you too may receive Zakat funds.
Unfortunately, constructing an Orphanage entirely from Zakat funds does not meet the requirements for Zakat to be accepted. The receiver of Zakat must be a needy person who doesn’t own Nisaab (basic needs). Communal buildings owned by charities can be sold off in future, and if they were built using Zakat funds, those Zakat funds were not used accordingly.
Qurbani may only be fulfilled with Sadaqah funds as Zakat is a lot stricter as to who may receive it. The actual ruling is that we ourselves are meant to purchase the animal and slaughter it, keep the meat and use to feed ourselves, our family, and the poor. However, there are countries out there in dire poverty hence why we usually send our meat to be slaughtered abroad as the need is very high.
A Muslim should only give his Zakat to Muslim charities as they will be aware of the different rulings concerning the Zakat etc. There may be non-Muslim charities which accommodate for Muslims and their Zakat etc, in which case it will be fine, but we would always advise you to check it out first before giving, as Zakat is a big Amanah (trust).
Zakat can be sent towards urgent appeals where reconstruction of houses is needed, or to people who have become poor, or to children who have become orphans. Zakat should not be spent on immediate family but should be used to help locals and relatives in dire need of it, as long as they fall into the eligibility of receiving it. Zakat can also be given to charities where they handle it for you and support poor and needy Muslims in dire situations.
Use the Niṣab value of that year and calculate whatever assets you have and then follow the Zakat calculator. Consult your local imams or scholars for more information.
Zakat should amount to 2.5% of your total wealth accumulated over the year. As an example, if your total assets (after any debts owed) amounted to £10,000, then you would be required to pay £250 as Zakat.
Anyone who is poor or needy and doesn’t hold the amount of Niṣab is eligible for Zakat.
The poor
The needy
Travellers in need
Those in debt
Those being held against their will or in slavery
New Muslims and friends of the Islamic community
Those in the cause of Allah
Administrators of Zakat
The Niṣab (amount payable for Zakat) of gold is 87.48 grams. Zakat on any wealth is due on the owner of that specific wealth. If you were given the gold jewellery as Maher (dowry) or as a gift, you are the owner of the gold jewellery. When paying Zakat on the gold jewellery, you should consider the current market price of gold on the day Zakat becomes due (end of year) in relation to the carats of your gold jewellery.
When a person’s wealth exceeds the Niṣab, and this amount of wealth is maintained for the duration of one entire lunar year.
The Niṣab is 87.48 grams for gold and 612.36 grams for silver. Any currency equal to the amount of any of these Niṣab will also render Zakat binding.
Zakat’s literal meaning is to clean/to purify, Muslims give Zakat so the money and assets they possess become blessed and purified.
2.5% of whatever cash you have on you or in the Bank.
Sadaqah is something which is part of Islam, and any voluntary good deed falls under Sadaqah. This could mean giving money, reading optional prayers, smiling at someone, or even sacrificing an animal too.
Sadaqah Jariyah is continuous charity, an act that has a continuous reward for it, such as building a masjid or building a water well.
Sadaqah’s literal meaning is righteous but in modern day term it means a voluntary act.
Zakat is compulsory on a person who owns the amount of Niṣab. Sadaqah is something which is done voluntarily.
Yes, you can give Sadaqah to non-Muslims.
Yes, giving money to family members and friends can be Sadaqah.
Sadaqah Al Fitr, also known as Fitrana, also known as Eid Fitrana, is a charitable donation that is paid in Ramadan before Eid prayer.
There is no specified amount on giving Sadaqah. It is up to everyone based on their capacity.
There is no specific way in giving charity. Good actions we do as Muslims with the right intention is Sadaqah. So whenever doing a good deed, make intention for it to be a Sadaqah too.
Sadaqah is a voluntary act done by a Muslim for the sake of Allah seeking his pleasure.
There many ways of helping orphans in Azad Kashmir-Pakistan. One main charity that helps the orphans of Pakistan is KORT (Kashmir Orphan Relief Trust) who have built a purpose-built orphanage and have been helping and assisting orphans since 2005. Donating to this charity will help bring relief and provide brighter futures to many orphans across Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.
Many orphans are abandoned, abused, exploited, and left in orphanages. Charities such as KORT take them in their care and look after them as their own children so they can begin smile and dream again.
According to a UNICEF report, Pakistan is a home to 4.2 million orphans. The reason why it is high is parents due to poverty can’t afford to look after their kids and some just abandon the kids. Many become orphans due to parents dying in natural disasters, communal violence, and poor road traffic safety. It’s a great effort by team KORT who have made it their goal to help as many as orphans as they can to give these children a chance to live their dreams and to feel part of a family again.
Yes, one may dispose of their Interest money in order to cleanse their wealth and make way for barakah in their Rizq (Sustenance) by giving it away to charities. However, you should also take note that there won’t be any reward in giving interest money as the money is considered impure and anything bought from it is impure. If you can return the interest money wherever it came from then that is best. Otherwise, it may be used to facilitate the poor.
The best of charities is when a person gives it in such a way that the left hand doesn’t even know what the right hand gave. This means to give in secrecy rather than openly as it opens a possibility of pride which Allah says in the Quran not to spoil our charity with reminding of favours and causing harm. Those who give in secrecy will be rewarded with shade on the day of Judgement, a day on which there shall be no shade except under the throne of Allah.
One should also give publicly too as it serves as a means of encouragement, and it saves a believer from being classed as miserly by the people. At the end of the day, we give in charity to please Allah firstly, and we hope it may give some benefit to the recipient.
Lastly comes continuous charity which remains for long amounts of time and can sometimes continue to give benefit, even after we have left this world. The Prophet PBUH said that one will be rewarded for a tree which brings forth fruit to benefit the people, as long as the tree remains standing. He also mentions that good deeds will cut off after death except by few things including a continuous charity which remains giving benefit even after our passing.
Unfortunately, we can’t answer for all charities, but KORT has a 100% donation policy.
This creates peace of mind for donors of full reward and assurance that funds are not going in our own pockets!
Most charities may claim to have a 100% donation policy, but it is down to individuals to enquire over the phone or in person how expenses are paid.
Usually there is a bit of clause to it; as there are extra costs like admin, travel, and hiring containers etc. which need to be fulfilled without taking from your donation.
A lot of charities have generous donors who sustain the charities admin/running costs. Others may say only Zakat is 100% and a small admin fee is taken from general Sadaqah donations only.
Some, like ourselves, use solely Gift Aid funds to pay for our charity running costs to ensure an actual 100% donation policy.
The poor were disregarded prior to Islam, so legislation came in (Giving of Zakat) which brought justice for them. It became recognised as a pillar from amongst the major pillars of Islam. Muslims from both upper and middle classes were encouraged to give wholeheartedly. Islam encourages to give what we can and to give often. The act of charity allows those who were blessed by Allah to give to those less fortunate but is more so an advantage to ourselves as it purifies our wealth and elevates our status in the hereafter. In the time of the Prophet PBUH, there were a group of paupers who complained that the rich were attaining high lofty ranks due to the ability to give in charity so he taught them a prayer by which they too may attain a high status. Of course, we should be wary that being rich is more so a means of a test from Allah to see what we do with it, and it could be a disadvantage if we don’t spend from it in the path of Allah.
Islam also says that our giving in charity purifies our wealth, grants shade on day of judgement and averts a calamity which was meant to come to you but only Allah knew of it.
A charitable act is defined as something you give which pleases the receiver. Hence, why greeting your Muslim brother with a cheerful face is also considered as an act of charity. Removing an obstacle from the path so as not to cause harm to others is also a form of charity. In the latter example given, the one who did the act was not known but still receives reward for it. And of course, gifting of money, clothing and physical items also falls under the term charity.
Yes, you may give in Sadaqah and its other forms and if so, make an intention in their name before giving it to make sure that the reward reaches them. Also, Allah has promised you a reward too, wherein no deduction is made from their reward.
If, however you desire to pay Zakat for someone, they should pay themselves unless they haven’t got access to it, for example, if a person needs to take Zakat out from their savings account but they require a waiting period till they can withdraw the funds, then in this case you should inform them beforehand that you are paying on their behalf.
Islam has not put forward a minimum and maximum in our general donations as a person should spend according to the amount of Rahma (Mercy) he wishes to receive from Allah, except for the yearly Zakat.
A person should give only what his capable of, keeping in mind that he may have family members or personal needs too. Some pious people would give almost everything; however, this isn’t for everyone, as making oneself poor can also be a trial and make one have doubts about their faith.
Charity can be achieved through the acts of giving and performing good deeds towards others. It can be done locally or abroad. Charity can be given directly to the recipient, or it can be given indirectly as to benefit them. Charity can be exclusive to just the one person like gifting a present or can be communal too like building a water pump station. It doesn’t have to be physical items only but can also be in the form of friendly gestures and acts. Allah has created ease in the act of charity so that we can all take part in such a great blessing.
If we come to know of an individual within our own locality or a family relation of ours in desperate need, we should give preference to them and try give it to them personally as this builds a greater level of love and respect between the donor and receiver. If you can’t find anyone then you should give to a charity as they will send it to places far and beyond our reach and to places where the need is greatest.
Whenever we do give in charity, we shouldn’t just simply give the money and walk away. We should also build a relation with the charity in order to understand where the money will go and how they are using it for a number of reasons.
Firstly, to create transparency with them that they are in fact legitimate.
Secondly, so that we can give accordingly to where our heart feels its most needed or to projects that you know will greatly benefit them.
Also, subscribe to newsletters or read their booklets to see the fruits of your efforts and know that your charitable donation is making the difference. Let it serve as encouragement towards good and not let the devil whisper to you as he may deviate you saying you could have spent it on such and such.
Funds which are given towards the renovation, building and improvements for the mosque are undoubtedly a form of Sadaqah Jariyah (Continuous Charity) as these buildings will be used daily to perform the daily ritual of prayer.
Sadaqah means voluntary charity and generally whatever the charity receives unspecified or specified for Sadaqah will be put directly into Sadaqah. Because Sadaqah has a wide range of uses and isn’t as restricted as other types of donations. Sadaqah donations gives a charity flexibility to appropriate it wherever needed. This doesn’t decrease in your rewards but rather it ensures that your money is never left in limbo, rather it goes straight towards helping one in need.
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam, Zakat is a form of compulsory charity that has the capacity to ease the suffering of many people. With the literal meaning of the word being ‘to cleanse,’ Muslims believe that paying Zakat purifies, increases, and blesses the remainder of their wealth.
Zakat is 2.5% on cash or any assets after the living cost is taken out from the amount. For example, A
person has £25,000, his living costs are £13,000. The person is left with £12,000. Now times that by 2.5% which equals to £300. Therefore, his Zakat amount will be £300.
Gold: Anything above 87.48 grams. Zakat is compulsory
Silver: Anything above 612.36 grams. Zakat is compulsory
Zakat works a little different to Sadaqah donations and therefore only some projects can accept it. It requires that you make the recipient, who is eligible for it, the complete owner of it and then leave it to them to sort their needs with it.
However, if you take a million pounds to a poor country where a crisis has just struck, simply giving them the money won’t do any good as there is no builder near by who will take the job. Therefore, instead we apply the rule of acting as a trusted appointee for them, where we appropriate the money solely towards them and their need like rebuilding a house.
A donation made can be of many types. There is General Sadaqah or just Sadaqah for short which is a short-term donation and given with hope of benefiting someone and some reward from Allah. There is Sadaqatul Fitr which is Wajib (Necessary) and done once a year on Eid Al-Adha. we also have Lillah which is a form of Sadaqah that is done purely for the sake of Allah and usually goes towards building mosques rather than another person so that it is for Allah entirely.
Zakat is calculated on a fix date but can be given on any date. Though we should avoid delaying giving of Zakat in case God Forbid we happen to pass away, people often calculate it then put it aside as there are many projects which take place during this month. The reward is also multiplied due to the sanctity of the month.
If needed, you can give Zakat early, but an estimate will be made and then on the actual date, a calculation must be made to compare so that you haven’t under paid the Zakat. One may also give later during the holy days and months to multiply his reward or due to more charity projects available. To avoid confusion, one would normally work it out on the fixed Zakat date and give during that period. It also allows for charity funds to be spread out during the course of the year so the poor and needy have facilities throughout the year.
When a person falls into the eligibility of receiving Zakat, they can receive a house built from Zakat funds. If a disaster were to strike and suddenly you needed the money to build a house but didn’t have enough, or you were travelling with no access to wealth to complete your journey, or in such debt that you can’t afford to pay Zakat, then you too may receive Zakat funds.
Unfortunately, constructing an Orphanage entirely from Zakat funds does not meet the requirements for Zakat to be accepted. The receiver of Zakat must be a needy person who doesn’t own Nisaab (basic needs). Communal buildings owned by charities can be sold off in future, and if they were built using Zakat funds, those Zakat funds were not used accordingly.
Qurbani may only be fulfilled with Sadaqah funds as Zakat is a lot stricter as to who may receive it. The actual ruling is that we ourselves are meant to purchase the animal and slaughter it, keep the meat and use to feed ourselves, our family, and the poor. However, there are countries out there in dire poverty hence why we usually send our meat to be slaughtered abroad as the need is very high.
A Muslim should only give his Zakat to Muslim charities as they will be aware of the different rulings concerning the Zakat etc. There may be non-Muslim charities which accommodate for Muslims and their Zakat etc, in which case it will be fine, but we would always advise you to check it out first before giving, as Zakat is a big Amanah (trust).
Zakat can be sent towards urgent appeals where reconstruction of houses is needed, or to people who have become poor, or to children who have become orphans. Zakat should not be spent on immediate family but should be used to help locals and relatives in dire need of it, as long as they fall into the eligibility of receiving it. Zakat can also be given to charities where they handle it for you and support poor and needy Muslims in dire situations.
Use the Niṣab value of that year and calculate whatever assets you have and then follow the Zakat calculator. Consult your local imams or scholars for more information.
Zakat should amount to 2.5% of your total wealth accumulated over the year. As an example, if your total assets (after any debts owed) amounted to £10,000, then you would be required to pay £250 as Zakat.
Anyone who is poor or needy and doesn’t hold the amount of Niṣab is eligible for Zakat.
The poor
The needy
Travellers in need
Those in debt
Those being held against their will or in slavery
New Muslims and friends of the Islamic community
Those in the cause of Allah
Administrators of Zakat
The Niṣab (amount payable for Zakat) of gold is 87.48 grams. Zakat on any wealth is due on the owner of that specific wealth. If you were given the gold jewellery as Maher (dowry) or as a gift, you are the owner of the gold jewellery. When paying Zakat on the gold jewellery, you should consider the current market price of gold on the day Zakat becomes due (end of year) in relation to the carats of your gold jewellery.
When a person’s wealth exceeds the Niṣab, and this amount of wealth is maintained for the duration of one entire lunar year.
The Niṣab is 87.48 grams for gold and 612.36 grams for silver. Any currency equal to the amount of any of these Niṣab will also render Zakat binding.
Zakat’s literal meaning is to clean/to purify, Muslims give Zakat so the money and assets they possess become blessed and purified.
2.5% of whatever cash you have on you or in the Bank.
Sadaqah is something which is part of Islam, and any voluntary good deed falls under Sadaqah. This could mean giving money, reading optional prayers, smiling at someone, or even sacrificing an animal too.
Sadaqah Jariyah is continuous charity, an act that has a continuous reward for it, such as building a masjid or building a water well.
Sadaqah’s literal meaning is righteous but in modern day term it means a voluntary act.
Zakat is compulsory on a person who owns the amount of Niṣab. Sadaqah is something which is done voluntarily.
Yes, you can give Sadaqah to non-Muslims.
Yes, giving money to family members and friends can be Sadaqah.
Sadaqah Al Fitr, also known as Fitrana, also known as Eid Fitrana, is a charitable donation that is paid in Ramadan before Eid prayer.
There is no specified amount on giving Sadaqah. It is up to everyone based on their capacity.
There is no specific way in giving charity. Good actions we do as Muslims with the right intention is Sadaqah. So whenever doing a good deed, make intention for it to be a Sadaqah too.
Sadaqah is a voluntary act done by a Muslim for the sake of Allah seeking his pleasure.
There many ways of helping orphans in Azad Kashmir-Pakistan. One main charity that helps the orphans of Pakistan is KORT (Kashmir Orphan Relief Trust) who have built a purpose-built orphanage and have been helping and assisting orphans since 2005. Donating to this charity will help bring relief and provide brighter futures to many orphans across Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.
Many orphans are abandoned, abused, exploited, and left in orphanages. Charities such as KORT take them in their care and look after them as their own children so they can begin smile and dream again.
According to a UNICEF report, Pakistan is a home to 4.2 million orphans. The reason why it is high is parents due to poverty can’t afford to look after their kids and some just abandon the kids. Many become orphans due to parents dying in natural disasters, communal violence, and poor road traffic safety. It’s a great effort by team KORT who have made it their goal to help as many as orphans as they can to give these children a chance to live their dreams and to feel part of a family again.