We pride ourselves on the fact that we treat the orphan children in our care just like we treat our own children at home.
For this reason, we decided to hold an Eid Al Adha Mela (funfair) on the safe and secure grounds of the KORT Educational Complex for the first time as there isn’t a big enough park in Mirpur to host all of our orphan children all at one time.
There were all sorts of activities, entertainment, rides and food stalls for the children to enjoy along with other families from the city who were selectively invited.
At the end of the evening, the children were exhausted having enjoyed themselves all day. The children said that Eid Al Adha 2016 was their best Eid ever!!!
The happiness and glow on the faces of the orphan children was priceless. This was all down to the support of our donors, supporters and MUSKORTEERS (volunteers).