03 Sep 2019


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A delegation including Richard Corbett, Member of European Parliament (MEP) Co-Chairperson Friends of Kashmir Group in the European Parliament, Ms Irina Von Veise MEP, Shaffiq Mohammed MEP, Mrs Lorraine Kirkwood, Mr Hussain Khan (Chief of Staff MEP Irina Von Veise), Raja Najabat Hussain Founder Chairman JKSDMI, Raja Sajid and Shabir Ch, visited Kashmir Orphan Relief Trust in July 2019.

Honourable guests were given a tour of the KORT Educational Complex and were left were amazed at the high level of care provided to orphan children. Richard Corbett lead the praises for the management, donors and supporters of KORT who have all contributed towards this amazing facility to provide a brighter future for orphan children of Azad Kashmir and Pakistan.