The birth of a new-born is a happy event for every parent. It is a sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ that when a baby is born the parents ought to perform Aqeeqah for the baby by slaughtering two goats or sheep for a male and one sheep or goat for a female.
It is mustahab to carry out the sacrifice on the seventh day after the child is born although there is no harm in performing it earlier or soon after.
This sacrifice which is done for the new-born is called Aqeeqah.
Aqeeqah is a Sunnah to do after your giving birth by sacrificing an Animal. This is among the must-do Sunnahs after the birth of a child.
In other words, Aqeeqa resembles a sadaqah you give.
Based on a hadith from Jafar al-Sadiq (RA) doing Aqeeqah removes many of the difficulties and calamities from the child’s life.
The preferable approach for Aqeeqah is that it should be performed on the seventh day if not then the 14th or 21st and so on. Some scholars have said that this can be continued till the child has become fully grown and state Aqeeqah can be performed then. After this duration carrying out Aqeeqah is unimportant. Some scholars given the Fatwa that Aqeeqah stands till the day of one’s death. If somebody after becoming an adult performs his own Aqeeqah, according to some scholars it is not valid however according to some scholars it’s permissible.
The practice of Aqeeqah is extremely encouraged. It is to be performed by the elders of them family or the guardians of the baby. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions utilized to perform Aqeeqa when they were bestowed with a new-born. There are lots of benefits in the performance of Aqeeqah. One is the revealing the birth of the infant. Being bestowed a child is a terrific true blessing from the Creator. Another function is inviting family members, friends, and neighbours to commemorate the blessed occasion. The needy must be consisted of in the celebration by providing them with food and meat served on this occasion.
The following is a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) where he recommended Aqeeqah a goat/sheep.
The condition of the animals in Aqeeqah is the same as the conditions for the animals in Qurbani. The animals to be sacrificed need to be a goat, cow, or camel. For camels, it must be older than 6 years, for cows the age need to be older than 3 years and for goats, it must be older than 2 years. They must be healthy and have no form of handicap such as blind, sick, limp and undernourished. The animals must be sacrificed and slaughtered in the suitable humane way.
The KORT Aqeeqah Service involves all these aspects and consists of: The sacrifice of 1 or 2 animals (depending on sex “young male or a female”) distributed to the needy and poor, including orphans and the elderly.
KORT performs the Aqeeqah service in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, where ₤65 (price may vary depending on exchange rate or time of year) offers a goat.
If you wish for your Aqeeqah to be performed with KORT, please inquire with the KORT Admin team on 0300 123 7774.