We have a 100% ALL Donations Policy
A wheelchair is one of the most commonly used assistive devices to promote mobility and enhance quality of life for people who have ...
With your support, we will distribute sewing machines in deprived areas of Azad Kashmir and Pakistan every couple of months to help ...
You can also help us become more efficient by contributing towards other operational costs.
KORT will be building the largest free-of-cost hospital in Mirpur Azad Kashmir in collaboration with KORT HOSPITAL PROJECT to provid...
The KORT Burn Centre is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for patients suffering from the most severe and complex forms of t...
Donate Your Interest Funds and support those in need! As a general rule, no Muslim by his/her free choice should invest or deposit h...
Families all across the whole of AJK and Pakistan are closely anticipating receiving your Zakat in order to provide their families w...
Sadaqah is a voluntary charitable act towards another being, whether through generosity, love, compassion, or faith.